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Sal-Vation Body Transformation


I don't really know how to express my gratitude to Sal and Sal-Vation, for helping me to become a better HB. I was lost, overweight, anxious, and fed up. I put off taking my passport photo because I didn't want to be reminded of how I looked like a blob for the next 10 years. I didn't want to go out, I dreaded bumping into people I once knew because I was ashamed. I knew I needed to do something. I joined Sal-Vation almost a year ago after seeing how much fun the group was having on social media. I watched them laugh and work hard, and I thought maybe I could do this? Let's be honest I was pooing myself. I was so worried about how unfit I was and how people would judge me. I put my big girl pants on and joined, I did a session an I couldn't have been more wrong, everyone was so friendly, nice and supportive..I felt really good.....but very knackered and very very red faced! . Over the next few months I began attending more classes, all the time becoming more and more confident and getting fitter and stronger and most importantly happier. I love our group, it's really balanced, non judgemental, and nobody is going to give you "side eye" for eating a piece of chocolate or having a curry, we are only human after all. Anyway, I'm now 3 stone lighter, I'm happier an fitter. I have lots of new friends, and I'm no longer terrified of fitting in a wedding dress. I can't thank Ms Sally Guest enough for her support, her wonderfully fun and effective workouts, and taking the time to cultivate such a positive and proactive community that is a pleasure to be a part of. Love HB xxx
Sal-Vation Body Transformation


Our Tom started with Sal-Vation last year and is a regular in camp. He loves all the weekly sessions with his favourite being Boxing 🥊 Tom is currently 3 stone an 3 pound lighter than jus a few months ago 🙌 Effort an all it takes. We're all very proud of Tom 👏 Keep shining ❤️ He says: I joined Sal-Vation last September with my Auntie as I wanted to get fitter and healthier, I didn't think I'd enjoy it quite as much as I do, and seeing the changes in myself by keeping fit and eating healthily is now part of my daily lifestyle. My confidence has grown massively and those around me have noticed it too. Overall Sal-Vation has been great for me. Come join us Men 🚹 We're here for you too 💪
Sal-Vation Body Transformation

Amanda says...

I spent a long time watching and wondering about salvation, not having the confidence to reach out and join in. From the moment I joined last year I’ve been hooked. I didn’t realise how much of a dark place I was in regarding my weight and physical state until I met Sally ❤️ the changes are incredible, I’ve almost dropped 2 dress sizes and most of all it’s so nice to be able to feel good in clothes, rather than want to hide away. Every session is incredible, it’s full of great workouts, hard work, motivation and laughter. I couldn’t imagine my life without salvation now, thank you so much for everything ❤️❤️ Sal says: Firstly 🥺 Secondly.....Amanda gets married this yr, she has a full diary of celebrations planned. She hasn't left it to start working on herself 6 wks b4 the big day, it takes time an commitment. Too busy? BS! Since Amanda's started she's changed jobs, her 1 of 3 dogs had pups, she has children, house to run blah blah blah.....shes still showed up an got those all-important work outs in. Proud that she's now fitter an stronger mentally an physically. We all could give excuses, be better than them, caus u won't regret it. Do It For You 👍 Well done Amanda 👏
Sal-Vation Body Transformation

Emma says...

"I joined Sal-Vation in June last year, starting with a 1:1 PT every Friday morning. After a tough year, exercise took a back seat, and I had no confidence left at all. I was so anxious to start, but I felt right at ease when I joined. I also wanted to join the groups, but i was nervous and worried about what people would think of me, and thinking people would see me struggling. I finally pushed myself and started group sessions, and I am so glad I did. Everyone is so lovely and supportive, there is no judgement, we work together and push each other to do better and get it done! Joining Sal-Vation was the best thing i ever did, i am seeing changes in my body, general health, and mental health. I still have a way to go, but I am on the right track and seeing results 👍" I'm so proud of Emma 🌟 We hav worked for months behind the scenes an it's now all paying off. Pounds an inches gone, confidence an happiness increased ✨️
Sal-Vation Body Transformation


5 months ago, Laura joined Sal-Vation Starters an love with the Sal-Vation Community, exercise and herself. 5 months in an were 2 Stone an dress sizes down, health and happiness up 🙌 Learn to love yourself by looking after yourself. A few times a wk u hav 2 put urself 1st an jus watch and feel the magic There's only 1 you! Love it 💓

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