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​Vicky Jordan

average rating is 5 out of 5

3 April 2023 at 20:23:31

I started training with Sally in mid november. I had never really done any exercise and when i did i didnt really enjoy it. From the moment I made contact, i instantly felt at ease Sally is so down to earth and understands where i am now and where i want to be with no pressure but lots of encouragement! I joined the online group sessions and WOW. The girl who would once say 'ergh work out time' now really enjoys working out. is it hard work? yes but my god is it worth it! i now genuinely look forward to every session and cannot thank you Sally enough for not only helping me love exercise but also improving my mood and mental health. Cannot wait for the journey ahead!

Becky Gee

average rating is 5 out of 5

3 April 2023 at 20:23:23

What an amazing 6 weeks it's been! 8cm gone forever and my arthiritis in my feet is so much better! i can now lunge which was just impossible 6 months ago. i now don't wake up hobbling like an old lady quite so much! so if anyone is thinking about joining Sal-Vation, all i can say is do it, you won't regret it. Sally is motivating, funny, kind and makes all the hard work enjoyable too. Stronger together

Sadie Allen

average rating is 5 out of 5

3 April 2023 at 20:21:47

I joined Sal-vation back in February-March time so 8 months ago. To say my time with Sal-vation had been life changing would be an understatement. with help from Sal I have been able to lose six stone but have gained so much more; health, the love of exercise and most importantly confidence. I have never met such a supportive, caring and kindest bunch of people.

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