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Growing up I was never the athletic girl, sport and fitness never came naturally to me and I was never a lover of activities. The only time I hauled on a leotard was to dance to Top Of The Pops in my parents living room. I wasn’t even a size-10 when I was 10 years old!

At senior school I was always one of the ‘big’ girls.  I’ll never forget coming 97th place in a school cross-country race....97!!!...Shocking! Embarrassing!


My 20’s were simply a blur of drinking, partying and having fun with my mates, whilst working in a dead-end, boring, job.


Just after my 30th birthday my first child, Ronnie, came along - and the memory of not being able to squeeze into my size-18 jeans haunted me for years. As a result I ended up shopping for a pair of size-20 jeans! I felt so low an vowed never to buy another pair of size-20 anything again!


Two years after my second child Luca was born, and with a body that was still struggling to squeeze into a pair of size-20, I realised that not a fat lot had changed since my initial vow to take control of my body balance. I was still overweight, not happy with my naked body, and I still lacked self-confidence which lead to realtionship break-downs.


I started to diet. I did them all. Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Atkins, even a 9-day cleanse. Some of the diets worked for me and I did manage to lose 2 stone, here and there, but jeez I hated it! Just hearing the word ‘diet’ depressed me. I couldn’t find a sustainable solution to keep my weight down, or make me happy.


Something had to change!


I used to see people of all shapes and sizes running around my local park. Feeling a little bit envious to see others making the fitness leap of faith I finally began to think…’If they can do it then so can I’


So, I set up a plan that I could stick to. I was finally going to stop all of the dieting fads. Instead I would start to eat healthier and find an ‘enjoyable’ fitness program that suited me.


I began by visiting my local park without the kids and I'd simply walk around. Each time I visited I’d speed up a little until my walk became more of a jog.  I hated it at first. It made me feel sick but when I got home I was always really chuffed with myself and that made me feel I went out again, and again. Each time I did it the feelings that I experienced afterwards made me A LOT happier.


I decided to join a local ‘value-for-money' gym and signed up for a month. Petrified of going on my own I felt sick again...but I forced myself to go because I wanted change!


My first experience was a boot-camp program and after two minutes I found myself chatting to a stranger who really eased me and helped me to enjoy the class. Eventually I tried out all the classes - Legs, Bums and Tums, Step, Boxercise, Spin until I found the ones I enjoyed -and I made sure I went at least three times a week.....Hello new me!


I stopped buying the pointless, non-sustainable, slimming meals and invested in healthier family mealtimes. Before I knew it, I found myself purchasing healthy items that were never previously on the shopping list, and I found myself putting aside time each week to make family meals and healthy treats from scratch.


Now comfortably in my 40’s, I’m a very happy size 12/14. I know I’ll never be a size-10, I simply haven't got the frame for it and I can honestly say that I don’t want to be a size-10 anymore -  I’m fit, healthy, and more importantly...happy! 


I vow never to diet again. I tell myself that I need to workout at least three times a week.  I eat healthy meals in the week and also on one day of the weekend. This way if I want a Sunday Roast at the weekend with a glass of wine, I can do...because I’ve earned it!


I have found true 'Personal Happiness!'


 I'm now dedicating my life to helping clients to find their personal happiness.


Do It For You!


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Sally Guest Story

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